The Opportunity Myth

A microsite for TNTP's latest National Report

Scrollytelling to drive action

TNTP came to us with a bold challenge to publish the entirety of their 58-page national report (for which we also designed the print version) footnotes and all. The goal was to reach beyond their typical policy audience, spurring downloads of an action kit to drive change in local communities.

Spot quizzes throughout the microsite engage readers and provided useful data. The site also tracks and maps action kit downloads to show the status of engagement across the country.

Our work with TNTP has garnered national acclaim, been referenced in the 2008 and 2012 U.S. Presidential Campaigns, and opened doors for us in the field, and led to engagements with The National Council on Teacher Quality, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, EdNavigator, Bain, The Fordham Institute, Pencil, New Visions for Public Schools, Educators for Excellence, The Broad Center and The Smithsonian Institution. We believe that good work creates more opportunities to do good work.

CSS animations are a really elegant and lightweight way to bring graphics to life digitally. The subtle motion adds that extra touch, which both reinforced the storytelling and made for a more compelling user experience.

Michael Sambar

Creative Director