
Danny Will

Danny May? Danny Might? Danny Will.

Copywriter, brand strategist and all-around force of nature Danny May comes equipped with a sharp logic and keen sense of language that every creative team needs. He’s the verbal yin to our visual yang.

With a background in journalism and experience in the agency environment, Danny has helped step up our branding game as our main word person. He graduated from Luther College with an English degree and hit the ground running with a job at Trek, where he cut his teeth as an intern. He eventually shifted gears to the agency world and found his home at our little studio. A big endurance athlete, Danny's perseverance and determination is a game-changer in the studio. Whether it’s the last kilometer of the Birkebeiner, or the umpteenth round of web copy revisions, Danny will see things through to the finish line. His love for blue-sky thinking and short, punchy social copy makes him endlessly versatile. 

So, although we might call him Danny May, we can always be sure that Danny will. Get a peek into this copywriter's true nature via the Proust Questionnaire.

What is your current mindset?
Output = input. Apply yourself, give out good energy and life will reward the trouble (for the most part).

Who are your favorite writers?
Jonathan Franzen. 

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
“Zero-sum game” and “fraught.” Also, “hell yeah.”

What is your greatest fear?
The oxford semicolon. (It isn't real. It can't hurt me.)